Open Up the Best Deals with the Soccer Tickets

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Since 1863, when the Soccer Federation has been established, the age of this sport has begun, with the next eight years setting up no fewer than 50 soccer clubs. In 1879, the first official soccer game was held the English Cup. Gradually, associations have been established in almost all European countries, but also on other continents. In 1882, the International Soccer Association Board (IFAB) was created, whose main purpose was to set up the rules of the soccer game applicable to all countries where this sport was practiced, and in 1904 in Paris, FIFA (International Soccer Federation). The soccer game became Olympic sport in 1900 (first with a demonstrative role later in the competition), the FIFA World Cup debut in 1928, and the first European Women’s Cup was held in 1969. As you will got for the champions league hospitality tickets you will have the best options now.

  • A soccer team is made up of 11 players. The soccer field measures 90-120 meters long and 45-90 meters wide for matches Soccer game the standard dimensions being 100 m / 64-75 m. The soccer game ball has a circumference of 68-70 centimeters and a maximum weight of 450 grams. The gate has the dimensions of 7.32 meters in width and 2.44 meters in height. Penalty kicks are executed from 11 meters from the goal line. The soccer match takes 90 minutes in 45 minutes. Overall, a soccer match is governed by 17 rules set by FIFA, which target all the elements of the game.
  • According to FIFA statistics, 270 million people today play soccer, of which 26 million are women. At the level of nations, China is at the top of the rankings, as number of players, followed by the USA, India, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, etc. There are over 300,000 soccer clubs, around 1,700,000 teams and about 800,000 referees. If we add the number of supporters called, “the twelfth player” of the team to these figures, the most passionate, compared to other sports, and then we can talk about a real “phenomenon” in this game. In spite of the fact that lately, the supporters’ appearance in many parts of the world takes violent forms, yet their role, in normal conditions, is major in animating the stadiums, causing soccer players to perform.
  • More popular in the past few years are also the variants derived from the soccer game. Soccer in the gym, sport discipline created in Uruguay in 1930, fought by FIFA, 1980; Beach soccer or beach soccer, also licensed FIFA, which also has World Cup competitions, play with teams of five players on a 28m / 37m field cooperative soccer, a variant that plays with 6-20 players, divided into two teams, the basic rule being the one who scores a goal to change the place with an adversary.

Soccer is becoming increasingly popular with girls

For the first time six years ago, the Keri Cup was held for seventh and eighth grade students. The tradition continued this year as well, with the girls competing in soccer on Tuesday afternoon. Young athletes from the Earths came to the increasingly popular tournament.

No such students have participated, which shows that our soccer tournament is becoming more and more popular, more and more kids want to play sports and compete, which is very good news emphasized. The head of the college of the Vocational High School and College also said that although soccer is basically a masculine sport, women’s teams are gaining popularity at the national level. In connection with the tournament, portal stated that primary goal is to help raise the children’s need for sports, and to provide opportunities to do sports after the end of the competition and for graduate elementary school students to get to know the institution.